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Remote Workforce Security: Top 5 Tips to Protect Your Network

When Coronavirus (COVID-19) first rocked the world, businesses and employees were some of the first to feel the devastating effects. Quickly, employers had to adjust and find ways to keep productivity up while also keeping their employees safe. Many began adjusting to their life to remote work.

While remote workers were more protected from the rapid spread of the disease, they found themselves exposed to a different type of plague: cyber attacks. 

As remote work continues to become more popular, it is essential that we take steps to protect our networks from potential security risks. In this article, we’ll go over some top tips for safeguarding your network while working remotely.

Develop Strong Passwords and Protect Them

The first tip is to develop strong passwords and protect them at all times. This means using unique passwords for each account you have, and avoiding reusing the same password across multiple accounts. It’s also important to choose strong passwords – ideally a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols – and be sure never to share your passwords with anyone else.

Update Software Immediately

Another critical step for remote work security is to keep your software up-to-date. This means making sure you are always running the latest version of your operating system, as well as any other software programs you’re using. 

Continuously updating your devices and software can sometimes be frustrating. But, by staying on top of these updates, you can minimize the risk of malware and other vulnerabilities that could put your network at risk.

Look Out For Phishing Attacks

Phishing attacks are another common remote work security threat. To protect yourself against these types of attacks, it’s important to be wary of unsolicited emails and links, especially if they contain information or requests that seem too good to be true. Train your employees to recognize phishing attacks and avoid them.

Use Separate Devices for Remote Work

Using separate devices is another important step toward remote work security. This means having a dedicated device that you only use for remote work – one that does not contain any personal information or other sensitive data. By limiting your remote work activities to this single device, you can minimize the risk of a data breach or other issues on your home network.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Finally, another key remote work security tip is to use multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This involves using more than just a username and password to access your accounts, incorporating additional methods such as texts or fingerprint scans. 

Using multi-factor authentication can help ensure that only authorized users are able to access your remote work devices and accounts, further protecting your network from potential security risks.

The Bottom Line

Whether you’re working remotely for the first time or are a seasoned remote worker, keeping these tips in mind can help ensure that your network stays safe and secure at all times. For more information on the best ways to protect your network and data, contact Terminal B today.

Zoom Suffers from Hot-Mic Bug: How Microsoft Teams Protects Your Privacy

In today’s pandemic-ridden world, many businesses, nonprofits, and even schools are switching to online methods of communication. As the coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads across the globe, keeping employees and businesses safe is key. Many are turning to Zoom to communicate and host meetings. 

However, as Zoom is continually used, more and more red flags have begun springing up. Issues not only with network bugs and crashed systems but also with potential spyware. In this article, we will discuss exactly what a hot-mic bug is and why switching to Microsoft Teams may benefit you, your business, and your privacy. 

What is a Hot-Mic Bug?

A large concern that has arisen in the last few years is the security offered by programs like Zoom. Many users have begun reporting that microphones and even video cameras have been left on after the meeting has ended, which means input is being recorded even after you turn it off.

While Zoom has denied all wrongdoing, many users are now hesitant to utilize the software, after reports surfaced that information and recordings were being sent to China and other countries overseas. This is a form of spyware. 

Why is it Dangerous? 

Spyware can be a major security threat to your business. It allows hackers access to your confidential data, or even worse, take control of your computer systems. Additionally, spyware can slow down your computer and be the cause of other annoying problems.

Protecting yourself from potential spyware, and making sure your personal and business information is secure, is vital in this day and age. It can be difficult to find a trustworthy platform to host your meetings on. Thankfully, that is where Microsoft Teams comes in. 

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a chat-based collaborative tool that enables teams to communicate and work together more effectively. It provides a central hub where team members can have conversations, share files, and collaborate on projects.

One of the key benefits of Microsoft Teams is that it allows team members to easily communicate with each other. The chat-based interface makes it easy to have quick conversations, and the ability to share files and collaborate on projects makes it a great tool for team-based work.

How Does Microsoft Teams Protect Your Privacy? 

Microsoft Teams uses multiple layers of security to protect your privacy, including end-to-end encryption. Only the people involved in a conversation can see what is being said. Even Microsoft cannot see the content of your conversations. This makes Microsoft Teams a great choice for businesses that want to keep their communications private.

Microsoft Teams also offers a number of other features that help keep your data safe. For example, you can set up password-protected chat rooms, and you can restrict access to certain chats or channels. You can also delete messages from your chat history.

These security features make Microsoft Teams a great choice for businesses that want to keep their data private. Microsoft Teams is also a great choice for businesses that want to stay compliant with regulations like the GDPR.

In the age of digital communication, finding the right platform for your business is critical. Microsoft Teams can help provide you with security and safety that do not come with other software. For more information about Microsoft Teams and how to protect your business, visit Terminal B

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